Printed Product Packaging Design
The experts at Pacific Color Graphics believe every printed product packaging design project we do is an opportunity to showcase products to potential buyers.
A chief component of many marketing campaigns, creative packaging is a hit with today’s consumers. Your competitors already understand how dynamic brand presence gives them an edge over rivals that don’t appreciate how quality printed product packaging design can move items off the shelf or display case.
Don’t get left behind. Point-of-purchase is a critical phase of every Pacific Color Graphics marketing campaign. Over the years, our experts have teamed with clients such as FedEx Kinkos, Sega, and AT&T on all types of innovative packaging projects.
Our packaging capabilities also include designing and printing items such as stickers, label wraps, cups and point-of-sale pop up displays.
We’d like to include your company on our list of successes. Let us take the insights into your target audience that you can provide as an established company and turn them into powerful marketing tools.
Printed product packaging design by Pacific Color Graphics can bolster sales of existing products or get new products off to a solid start. Call Pacific Color Graphics today at 888-551-1482 888-551-1482 to begin the discussion, or schedule an appointment with a customer representative.
The Elements of Printed Product Packaging Design
Printed product packaging design by the professionals at Pacific Color Graphics is made up of several elements, all tailored not only to sell, but to build a lasting relationship with customers:
What do you want your web company store to be? The Pacific Color Graphics team gives your intranet-based company store all these features, and more:
- Packaging shape and materials: We offer a wide range of options you may not even have considered. Eco-conscious packaging — our specialty — can save you money and is well-received by the buying public.
- Fonts, graphics and colors: These are the building blocks of our process. Even the most compelling message won’t be noticed if it’s not clearly visible and designed to appeal to the targeted demographic group.
- Communication: Today, customers want information on packages. Communicating how your product is better, how it is used, and what’s in it is a priority with us.
Call Pacific Color Graphics today at 888-551-1482 888-551-1482 to learn how we can sell products and develop brand loyalty through printed product packaging design.